Izu Aino
Di Blog Ini Di Web Lain

aBouT Me!!!

Gw tuch:

Soundless, but if you've know me, i'm a broken one. People said that i'm crazy, zzz that's only gossip. I'm still cool like before.
Pendiem, tp klo dah kenal dalemnya pasti ancur, katanya gw skrg jd gokil, zzz,, gosip tuh, gw masih cool kyk dulu kok, Lol!

Not like in bussy situation, not a hedonist ..but some times i want to be alone n silentness, don't feel strange if in a party ,i'm seen alone in the park seeing to the beautiful sky
Ga Doyan Keramaian, Bukannya anti hedonis ya.. tapi kadang gw pengen ketenangan en kesendirian, jadi jgn kaget klo di suatu pesta gw duduk sendirian di taman sambil menatap langit yang indah...

spoiled, arghh..i'm so childish ... but What and how is spoiled?
Manja, arghh.. sadar bgt klo masi kyk anak kecil... Sebenarnya manja itu gimana?

Moody, yes, ...sometimes i'm happy , sometimes unhappy, or angry, not clear, but if i have met with funny friend , make a walk and be trait, be given a handphone, car, house, villa, so my bad mood will be loose soon (sure euihhh)
Moody, Yah.. kadang gw tuh lg seneng"nya, kadang suka cemberut, or marah2 ga jelas, tp klo dah ketemu ma temen yg ngocol, ditraktirin, diajak jalan2, dibeliin hp, mobil, rumah, villa, bad mood gw pasti ilang (pasti ehueu)

May be it only a little my complicated character, most are not good , it's also for self introspection.
If you want to know me more, please send testimonial or message oke?!
Mungkin itu hanya segelintir dari sekelumit sifat2 gw yg ribet en complicated, kebanyakan jeleknya sih, sekalian introspeksi diri sendiri, klo mo tahu lebih lanjut kirim testi or message aja okeh?!

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